Thursday, August 30, 2012

8/30/12 & 8//31/12

English HW Due 9/4: Look up 5 roots vocab words and write down definitions on binder paper (must be different words than the ones on flashcards from class 8/30). For example, if aqueduct is on your "aqua" card, look up aquatic.

Bring a photo of yourself if you haven't yet!

Study Skills HW Due 9/5: Create your own PJHS website scavenger hunt with 10 items to find.

If WPR was not turned in, complete it and turn it in on Tuesday 9/4.

Start reading log. 10 entries due 9/14.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Study skills homework: WPR due Friday 8/31
                                        Complete scavenger hunt

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


English homework: bring a photo of yourself by Thurs 8/30

When students are absent, they need to check in with their teachers. It is very helpful to check the homework hotline voicemails/teacher webpages for missed classes so that students know what to expect when they return to school. This is not elementary school; teachers will NOT track down students to give them missing work. Students need to be responsible for getting missing assignments. Also, if a student is absent from PE class, he/she must attend 2 PE make-ups!! Please go to for the PE make-up schedule.

Monday, August 27, 2012


Study skills homework: WPR completed and turned in by Friday 8/31
Have parents initial planner everyday
Get yellow letter signed (if not already)
Parent contact form (if not turned in already)

Back to School Night is this Thursday 8/30 from 6-8pm. I hope to see all parents there :)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday 8/24/12 English Homework

Due Tuesday 8/28/12- index cards

Due Thursday 8/30/12-bring a photo of yourself

*Make sure your kids are getting a nutritious breakfast before coming to school! Fast and easy ideas include oatmeal, whole wheat bagels or toast, whole grain waffles, yogurt, and granola bars.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

We survived!

We made it through day one :) It's all down hill from here...kind of.

A few things:

1) My English students have an amendment to their homework, which should be noted in their planners. Due 8/24-Parent signature on syllabus AND bring 3x5 note cards AND a sprial notebook or composition book

2) Study skills homework due 8/27- Parent signature on syllabus & PARENT CONTACT W/S

Monday, August 20, 2012

First Day of School

As summer draws to a close, it can be difficult to get back in the swing of things at school. Hopefully some of the information on this blog can help ease the transition from summer break to the start of the new school year.

Please take a look at the "pages" linked above. I have copied and pasted the syllabi for my study skills and English classes. In addition, the study skills back to school night parent handout is included. More items/info will be added as the year progresses.

Homework assignments for my classes will be posted here.

Homework for 8/22 (English): Get parent signature on syllabus; let Mrs. Filippo know if you need help getting school supplies DUE 8/24 (Friday)

Homework for 8/23 (Study Skills): Share syllabus with parents; let Mrs. Filippo know if you need help getting school supplies DUE 8/27 (Monday)