Study Skills Back to School Night Parent Handout

This is the parent handout for Back to School Night.

Resource Program

Study Skills

Terri Filippo, RSP PJHS


Phone: 778-4724; email preferred


Course Objectives

This class is designed to provide a menu of services for eligible students.

1. Small group instruction

2. Parallel curriculum

3. Support for general education courses

4. Promote diverse learning strategies

This class also fosters positive and appropriate social behavior while working in groups, and student accountability.

General Expectations

This class follows PJHS school-wide expectations:

1. Arrive on-time.

2. Be seated when tardy bell rings-ready to work!

3. Come to class prepared-bring all materials whether it is an A or B Day.

4. Participate in the learning process!


A letter grade is determined using the school-wide scale. Grades are based on a combination of skill improvement and EFFORT!

A=100-90% B=89-80% C=79-70% D=69-60% F=59-0%

Study Sessions/Additional Help

I am available everyday for the first 30 minutes of lunch to help students. In addition, students may see me after school for help, but please check with me in advance, as meetings, etc. may prevent me from being available some days.

Class Rules

1. Act responsibly

2. Treat people and property with respect

3. Actively participate in the learning process!

Group Rules

1. One person talks at a time

2. Use active listening skills

3. No put downs or teasing!!!

Suggestions for Parents

1. Always check your child’s planner!!!

2. Become familiar with the PJHS website and homework hotline!!!

3. Ask your child to get weekly progress reports filled out.

4. Assist your child by proofing assignments before they are turned in.

5. Assist your child by planning long-term assignments/projects.

Other Information for Parents:

If you would like to meet with a teacher, you need to set up an appointment. You may call or email teachers at PJHS to do this. Do not drop by unannounced. This is just a reminder, as this brings up confidentiality and safety concerns. All visitors MUST check in at the office.

**Mrs. Filippo keeps a web page, not a homework hotline voicemail. Please book mark and check it regularly for homework assignments and other important information.**