Below is the syllabus for my study skills classes. The numbered lists will be filled out in class. This will be sent home for parent signatures during the first week of school. Do not hesitate to contact me with questions at
Welcome to Mrs. Filippo’s Study Skills Class!
Junior high can be an intimidating place. Your study skills class will help make the transition from elementary school to junior high MUCH easier. This class will meet every other day (just like the rest of your classes), and it is built into your class schedule. This means you will not be pulled out of other classes to meet with your teacher.
The study skills class is part of the RSP program at PJHS. You might want to think of this class as your “home base.” You can come to this room if you need help with homework, have a question about another class, or if you just want a quiet place to hang out. You will not get many homework assignments in Mrs. Filippo’s study skills class. However, there are things that you will be expected to do. For example, you will be expected to have a weekly progress report (WPR) completed and turned in by Friday of every week. You will also be expected to keep an SSR/Home Reading Log. As junior high school students, you should be reading for at least 20 minutes per day. The good news it that you can read whatever you want (magazines, newspapers, The Hunger Games, etc.)!
Let’s review. What are you responsible for outside of class time?
There are also expectations for class time. Let’s make a list.
There are a few things that will make your life easier at PJHS. Please buy them during the first week of school. These things include:
*black ink pens
*ONE binder (preferably 2”)
*divider tabs
*2 spiral notebooks
*a pencil pouch
*a package of 3x5 index cards
*binder paper
*a back pack
*white out
Please keep in mind that this is NOT a list of what you need for study skills class. Your other teachers are likely to advise you to have the same items. If you already have them, great! If not, work on getting them. If for financial reasons you cannot get these items, please see Mrs. Filippo (I will get them for you). PLEASE do not have two binders (one for A days and one for B days). This creates major problems when students bring the A day binder on a B day…
Study Skills grades are determined based on multiple factors. These include:
1. Teacher grade sheets (being well-behaved, having all of your materials, being respectful, being on time)
2. Student checklists
3. Turning in WPR’s each week
4. Turning in reading logs every 2 weeks
5. Parent initial in planner
Please go home tonight and share this information with your parents. Have them sign the bottom of this page, cut at the line, and return the bottom portion for your first assignment. In addition, try to explore the PJHS website ( and make sure that MY email address is written down and put on the refrigerator.
Mrs. Filippo’s email address is The PJHS phone number is 778-4724.
My child has reviewed the above information with me. I understand the expectations for study skills class, and I have saved Mrs. Filippo’s contact information.
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Signature Date