English Syllabus

This is the syllabus for my Englisg class; students will receive this during the first week of school. They are to have parents read and sign it, as well.


                                                   Mrs. Filippo English 7/8

                                               Class Syllabus and Expectations

Contact Info: tfilippo@petk12.org (email)

                         trfilippo.blogspot.com (web page)

                           (707) 778-4724 (school phone)

What to Expect: This class is designed to prepare students for the next level of academic English instruction. We will cover a variety of topics using various materials. I understand that each student has unique needs and strengths; therefore, I strive to provide students with autonomy and flexibility. At the same time, I expect students to be up for a challenge.

Curriculum: Our main curriculum will be the Language! program. This is a comprehensive literacy program that addresses reading, writing, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, and speaking. In addition, each week we will study 5 roots/prefixes/suffixes. We will also read novels, short stories, and poetry. Writing expository and persuasive essays will be another area of focus in this class.

General Expectations: This class follows the school-wide PJHS expectations.

1. Arrive on-time.

2. Be seated when tardy bell rings-ready to work!

3. Come to class prepared-bring all necessary materials!

4. Participate!!!

Homework: There WILL be homework in this class. Usually, students will be required to make flashcards for roots one night, write sentences using roots vocab the next, and study for the weekly quiz on the last night. This may vary from week to week, depending on our current unit of focus. Homework assignments will be posted on my webpage: trfilippo.blogspot.com.

Required Materials:

Spiral notebook or composition book

English tab in binder




*If you cannot obtain these items, see me and I will provide you with them!*

Please show this paper to your parents and have them sign below. Return to Mrs. Filippo next class. This is your first homework assignment!


__________________________________________ ____________________

Student Name Date


Parent Signature

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