Friday, September 14, 2012


English Homework Due 9/18: Flashcards for roots 11-15 due Tuesday 9/18

Due 9/18: Sentences for roots 11-15

Quiz on roots 11-15 on Thursday 9/20

Study Skills: Turn in reading logs with 10 entries if not done already; WPR due 9/21!

Wednesday 9/19/12 will be my last day of teaching before going on disability leave. I will be back in January 2013!

Mr. Rexrode will be taking over my duties while I am gone. Enjoy the rest of the semester!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


English HW Due 9/14: Study your flashcards for roots 6-10 (QUIZ FRIDAY!!!); Finish autiobio questionnaire (if not done in class)

Study Skills Due 9/13: WPR!!!; Reading Log with 10 entries

Monday, September 10, 2012


English HW Due 9/12: Write sentences for roots 6-10 (5 sentences total, 1 per root, use vocab words on flashcards!!!)

QUIZ on Roots 6-10 FRIDAY!

Study Skills HW Due 9/14: Reading Log with 10 entries due Friday; WPR due Friday

Thursday, September 6, 2012


English HW Due 9/10 (Monday): make flashcards for roots 6-10
6) aud
7) bell
8) biblio
9) bio
10) brev
*Must include root, meaning, vocab word, and definition.*

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Study Skills HW: Reading Logs with 10 Entries Due Thursday 9/13

Many students have not turned in WPR's from last week. This is NOT GOOD!!! I told all students who did not have WPR's that they are still due (if I did not receive one, the student has a zero for that assignment in the gradebook).

English HW Due 9/6: sentences for roots 1-5
                                     roots 1-5 quiz on 9/6